 Flora |
The geographic and climatic specifics of the Strandja mountain has determined the special characteristics of the vegetation which is an intriguing conglomerate of European + Black Sea + Caucasian species, differing in origin, biological peculiarities and level of development. They are divided into four large groups of vegetation families: "Pre-coastal forests, marsh-lands and dunes East beech-tree and durmast formation with evergreen bushes " East beech-tree formations in the high mountain area (500 - 700m) and Xerothermic beech-tree formations with or without remainders of Mediterranean vegetation
The beech-tree is the dominating type of tree in the Strandja mountain. There are also oak-tree forests which take up about 7% of the total wooded area. The Strandja mountain holds oak and beech-tree formations with preserved original composition and diversity which are very rare in Europe. The coniferous trees which can be seen interspersed in the oak and beech forest or as separate formations (10% of the total forest area), have been introduced later and are man-made.
The total number of higher plant species which are found in Strandja is about 1500 or 50% of the higher plants in Bulgaria. Three of them are Bulgarian endemites, seven - Balkan endemites, 32 are relict species, 56 are rare and 10 are endangered such as the Strandjanian blueberry, Istanbul chick-peas, Crimean tea, Strandjanian oak-tree. Over 70 species out of 700 included in the Red Book of Bulgaria are found only in Strandja and along the coast. |