 Useful Information |
Here you will find basic information on travel to Bulgaria (transport, visa requirements, currency, etc.) as well as some practical details on trips to the Strandja region (best time to visit, ways to get there and around, approximate cost of food and lodging, etc.) |
Camping and Lodging:
Along the whole Black Sea coast and for the time being in the town of Malko Tarnovo and the villages of Brodilovo, Kosti, Gramaticovo and Brashlian you ...
Facts for the Traveller:
Visas: citizens of most European countries can stay 30 to 90 days without a visa.Health risks: no specific health risksCurrency: Bulgarian Lev (BGN)Winter ...
Getting around:
Getting around if you are not on a special interest holiday, i.e. biking, horse-back riding, walking, etc., nor you are travelling by own car, is possible ...
Getting There:
Most of Strandja's villages and attractions are situated very closely (30 to 120 km) from Burgas – a major transport hub of Bulgaria with international ...
Money and Costs:
Cash (preferably Bulgarian Leva, but also US dollars or Euros) are the way to go Strandja. Other currencies and travellers cheques are accepted in the ...
When to Go:
Though travel in the winter is possible in most parts of Strandja, it is deterrent to most activities and travel on mud-clogged or snow-covered roads is ...