 Nature |
When you head to the most Southeastern part of Bulgaria to Malko Tarnovo, or along the sea coast to Ahtopol and Sinemoretz, you soon get into the gentle embrace of the broadly lying mountain chain of Strandja mountain. In less then an hour later you will be in the heart of the national park of the same name, the biggest and one of the most exotic nature parks in Bulgaria. Founded in 1995, it is situated on 1161 sq. km. (116 136 ha) and includes most of the Bulgarian territory central Strandja's to the Black Sea coast. Its length (East - West) is about 50 km, and the average width (North - South) - about 25 km. |
The specific climate of the Strandja region is influenced by the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. The average annual temperatures are high 12.8-11.1degrees ...
The Strandja region together with the coastal line is one of the richest in animal species in Bulgaria. The animal diversity and identity is very well ...
The geographic and climatic specifics of the Strandja mountain has determined the special characteristics of the vegetation which is an intriguing conglomerate ...
The sight to Central Strandja, viewed from its wide mountain plateaus, is captivating and unforgetable. Its undulating round ridges, covered by thick green ...
Rivers and Lakes:
The main river arteries in the Strandja mountain are the Veleka and Rezvaya.The Mladezhka river, the Aidere river, the Stramnitsa river, the Diavolska ...